viernes, 30 de enero de 2015

Llegada de Madison! (MH - Sirena Von Boo)

Hola a todos/as!
Después de un tiempo sin públicar ninguna llegada de mis muñecas Monster High (que todavia me quedan muuuchas pendientes...) vuelvo con la llegada de Sirena Von Boo a la cual he decidido llamar Madison por la sirena protagonista de la pelicula "Un, dos, tres... Splash!"! Es la hija de una sirena y de un fantasma. Me gustó en cuanto la ví en la tienda ya que me encantan las sirenas y seres mitologicos, además, el color de su piel que parece fluorescente y me recuerda a la cera, es precioso! Por eso tenia que comprarla si o si! La compré el día 3 de Septiembre del 2014 en "El Corte Inglés". Es de la colección "Freaky fusion" (fusión extraña).
Y ya os dejo con las fotos de su llegada!
Espero que os gusten!!!


Hello everyone!!!
After a while without posting any arrival of my Monster High dolls (which still i have to posting to muuuuuch arrivals) i come back with the arrival of Sirena Von Boo which i decided to name to her Madison same as the mermaid protagonist of the film "Splash"! She´s the daughter of a mermaid and a ghost. I liked as soon as i saw her in the shop because i love mermaids and mythological creatures, and the color of her skin that looking as fluorescent and reminds me of the wax, it´s so beautiful! So i have to buy her yes or yes! I bought the day September 3, 2014 in "El Corte Inglés". She´s from the "Freaky fusion" collection.
And now i leave you with the pictures of her arrival!
I hope you like!!!

Aquí dentro de la caja
(Here inside of the box)

La parte de atrás de la caja
(The backside of the box)

Fuera de la caja (casi!)
(Out of the box <almost!>)

Aquí con todos los complementos que incluia: Solo diario y cepillo
(Here with all the complements she included: Only diary and brush)

Aquí un primer plano de la preciosa Madison!
(Here a close-up of the beautiful Madison!)

Y por último, una nueva foto de familia de todos mis MH!
(And finally, a new family picture with all my MH!)

Gracias por ver, leer y comentar!
(Thanks for view, read and comment!)

viernes, 23 de enero de 2015


Aquí os dejo la ficha con los datos de Ceres, mi vigesimoprimera BJD!!!

Nombre: Ceres
Molde: Vanilla (Basic Set)
Cuerpo: Gentle Volume Body
Articulaciones: Simples en brazos y piernas
Casa: Leeke/LeekeWorld
Medida: Yo-sd (DollLeeke-D Type)
Altura: 28cm (escala 1/6)
Ojos: 14mm morado (Luts)
Peluca: 6~7 Morada/Rosa (Leeke/Luts)
Cumple: 01/Abril/2014
Horoscopo: Aries
Edad: 11 años
Nacionalidad: Japonesa
Profesión: Guardiana de los sueños
Raza: Ángel
Poder: Volar, invisibilidad, sanar
Padres: Ángeles
Color de piel: Basic Skin
Maquillaje: Leeke
Color favorito: Purpura, rosa y dorado
Comida favorita: Patatas
Bebida favorita: Agua
Estilo: Fantasía
Pies: ... ...
Ropa: Yo-sd

Aquí podeis ver la muñeca en su web original:

Historia: Ceres es un ángel niña de 11 años que vive en la tierra junto a los humanos, escondiendo su gran secreto. Vive con sus padres y su hermana en un piso normal, pero ellos lo han decorado muy elegantemente. Es muy extrovertida y le encanta hablar con todo el mundo, en especial con las personas mayores a las que le encanta ayudar en todo lo que puede como llevarles la compra a casa, entregarles el correo... Todas le dicen que es un ángel, en el sentido figurado, sin saber que realmente Ceres, es un ángel de verdad. Adora a los animales por lo que sufre mucho viendo a los que están abandonados o los que son maltratados por personas sin sentimientos. De hecho, tiene un pequeño pollito llamado Kiny al que adoptó cuando lo encontró perdido en un parque junto con su hermano, otro pollito que le dió a su hermana para que esta lo cuidara.


Here i bring you the profile with data from Ceres, my twenty-first BJD!!!

Name: Ceres
Cast: Vanilla (Basic Set)
Body: Gentle Volume Body
Joints: Simples in arms and legs
Brand: Leeke/LeekeWorld
Size: Yo-sd (DollLeeke-D Type)
Height: 28cm (scale 1/6)
Eyes: 14mm purple (Leeke)
Wig: 6~7 purple/pink (Leeke/Luts)
Birthday: 01/April/2014
Horoscope: Aries
Age: 11 years
Nationality: Japanese
Occupation: Guardian of dreams
Breed: Angel
Power: Fly, invisibility, cure
Parents: Angels
Skin color: Basic Skin
Make-up: Leeke
Favorite color: Purple, pink and golden
Favorite food: Chips
Favorite drink: Water
Style: Fantasy
Feet: ... ...
Clothes: Yo-sd

Here you can see the doll in the official web:

History: Ceres is a 11 years old little angel girl who lives on earth with humans, hiding her big secret. She lives with her parents and sister in a normal flat, but they have decorated very elegantly. She´s very extrovert and loves to talk with everyone, specially with older person who loves to help in any way she can as bring purchase at home, deliver the mail... Everybody told her she´s an angel, in the figurative sense, they don´t know Ceres is a real angel. She loves animals so much and suffering seeing those abandoned or who are abused for unfeeling people. Indeed, she has a small chick named Kiny which she adopted when she found lost in a park with her brother, another chick who gave her sister to take care of her.

Llegada de Toboe (Soom)

Hola a todos/as!!!
Aquí vengo con la llegada de otro inquilino!!! Se llama Toboe y es mi decimoctavo BJD. Es un Feny - The Fox and the Grapes de Soom. Su tamaño es Teenie Gem, (Yo-sd - 26cm), en Cream White. Es un zorrito Fenec por lo que lleva partes humanas y partes de fantasia. Llegó a casa con su hermanita Necy, que es de mi hermana Chandrama. Lo pedí el 29 de Junio del 2013 y llegó a mi casa el 3 de Octubre del 2013. Solo se podía pedir del 14 al 28 de Junio pero por alguna razón pude pedirlo el 29! (por suerte!) y pagarlo en Layaway, así que a llegado super rápido!!! El maquillaje está hecho por mi, aunque todavia me queda maquillar su cabeza de fantasia que es muy mona!
Aquí os dejo las fotos de su llegada!
Espero que os gusten!!!


Hello everyone!
Here i come with the arrival of a new occupant!!! His name is Toboe and is my eighteenth BJD. Is a Feny - The Fox and the Grapes from Soom. His size is Teenie Gem, (Yo-sd - 26cm), in Cream White. He´s a Fenec fox so he have human and fantasy parts. He arrives with his sister Necy, my sister Chandrama doll. I ordered on Juny 29, 2013 and he arrives at my home on October 03, 2013. He only can be ordered from June 14th to June 28th but for some reason i could ordered the 29th! (luckily!) and pay in Layaway, so he arrives very fast!!! His make-up is made by me, but i still have to make-up this fantasy head that is very cute!!!
Here i leave you the pictures of his arrival!
I hope you like!!!

En la primera foto, la cajita con receta...
(In the first photo, the box with recipe...)

Aquí las cajas de los dos hermanitos!!!
(Here the boxes of the two siblings!!!)

Aquí ya vemos la caja abierta con las cositas!!!
(Here we can already see the box open with all the things inside!!!)

Aquí vemos todas las cositas que compré sacadas de la caja, el certificado (COA), libro/manual, el outfit, zapatos y peluca de Toboe, y tres conjuntitos y un gorrito para mi futuro Puppy)!!!
(Here we see all the things i bought out of the box, the certificate (COA), book/manual, outfit, shoes and wig of Toboe, and three outfits and a cap for my future Puppy!!!)

Aquí vemos todas las partes de fantasia envueltas dentro de la caja.
Hay un montón de piezas!!!
(Here we see all the fantasy parts wrapped inside the box. There are many pieces!!!)

Aquí tenemos a Toboe sin cabeza y con todas sus partes de fantasia envueltas!
(Here we have Toboe without head and with all his fantasy parts wrapped!)

Aquí están todas sus partes de fantasia de Zorrito Fenec: Cabeza sorpresa (surprise head), patitas y pies de Zorro, brazos y manos de zorro, cola y orejas de zorro.
(Here are all his Fenec fox fantasy parts: Surprise head, fox legs and feet, fox arms and hands, fox tail and fox ears.)

En las dos siguientes fotos ya vemos a Toboe vestido y maquillado!!! De momento lo tengo con su aspecto humano hasta que maquille todas sus partes de fantasia.
(In the next two pictures we can see Toboe dressed and make-up!!! For the moment i let with his human side untill i make-up his fantasy parts. )

Y por último un primer plano de este chico tan mono!!!
(And finally a close-up of this very cute boy!!!)

De parte de Toboe: "Gracias por ver las fotos de mi llegada "
(From Toboe: "Thank you for viewing the pictures of my arrival")

Gracias por ver, leer y comentar!!!
(Thanks for view, read and comment!!!)

martes, 13 de enero de 2015

Llegada de Ceres (LeekeWord)

Hola a todos/as!!!
Hoy vuelvo a traeros una llegada. Esta vez le toca el turno a Ceres! Es una Vanilla en Basic Skin de LeekeWorld. La compré cuando Leeke la volvió a poner a la venta este año, ya que es Limitada. Es una Yo-sd de 26cm de altura y su cuerpo es el GentleVolume Body", que tiene un poquito de pecho y es un poco más alto que la mayoria de Yo-sd de Leeke. Sus articulaciones son simples tanto en brazos como en piernas, pero su cuerpo es muy bonito. Llegó a casa el 01 de Abril del 2014, mientras yo estaba en Pakistán, así que tuve que esperar unos dias para verla en persona. Está maquillada por Leeke y lo más importante de todo es que ella es la "mascota" y logo de nuestra tienda "Sweet~Angel~Kawaii"!!! Es una muñeca preciosa y aunque ya tiene sus ojitos lilas definitivos, todavia le falta su peluca rosa para poder ser el logo completamente! (Aunque la peluca lila es suya también).
Bueno, pues aquí presento oficialmente a Ceres, nuestra "mascota"!!! Cuando la tenga completa con peluca, zapatos, ropa y demás, igual que está en nuestro logo, subiré fotos!
Y ahora os dejo con las fotos!
Espero que os gusten!!!


Hello everyone!!!
Today i bring you again an arrival. This time is the turn of Ceres! She´s a Vanilla in Basic Skin from LeekeWorld. I boughth when Leeke put it back on sale this year, because she´s Limited. She´s a Yo-sd of 26cm high and her body is the GentleVolume Body", which has a little bit of chest and is a little higher than most of Leeke Yo-sd. Her joints are simple in arms and legs, but her body is very beautiful. She came home on April 1, 2014, while i was in Pakistán, so i have to wait some days to see her in person. She´s make-up by Leeke and the most important of all is that she is the "pet" and logo from our
shop "Sweet~Angel~Kawaii"!!! Is a very cute doll and although she has her definitive purple eyes, still needs her pink wig to be the logo completely! (But the purple wig is also of her).
Well, here i presented Ceres officially, our "pet"!!! When i have complete with wig, shoes, clothes and more as is in our logo, i´ll upload photos!
And now i leave you with the pictures!
I hope you like!!!

Aquí teneis la cajita de Ceres envuelta tal y como llegó
(Here you have the box of Ceres wrapped as she came)

Aquí veis la caja con Ceres envuelta y su certificado de autenticidad
(Here you can see the box with Ceres wrapped and her certificate of authenticity)

Aquí Ceres una vez fuera de la caja
(Here Ceres outside of the box)

Aquí veis a Ceres vestida con el estilo de ropa que viste en la tierra
(Here you see Ceres dressed with the clothing style she wear on earth)

Y por último, Ceres con uno de los vestidos (aún sin terminar) que viste en el cielo y que es el que usa para ayudarnos en nuestra tienda "Sweet~Angel~Kawaii"Siento la calidad de esta foto.
(And finally, Ceres with one of the dresses (unfinished) she wears on heaven and she´s using to help us in our shop "Sweet~Angel~Kawaii"Sorry for the quality of this photo).

Espero poder terminar pronto su vestido y encontrar una peluca rosa para ella.
(I hope i can finish soon her dress and find a pink wig for her).

De parte de Ceres: "Gracias por ver las fotos de mi llegada"
From Ceres "Thank you for viewing the photos of my arrival"

Gracias por ver, leer y comentar!!!
(Thanks for view, read and comment!!!)

lunes, 12 de enero de 2015

50 questions BJD

This quiz is in various blogs and forums.
If you can answer all the questions you will have overcome the challenge!!!

1. Since when you know the BJD?

From 2005.
2. How did you discover BJD?
Well i like all about Japan, so is normal that discovering them...
3. What reasons pushed you to buy your first doll?
The truth is that since i discovered them i love them because i had always loved dolls in general, so i was fascinated for this so beautiful and customizable dolls. And when i seeing one with "Anime" style face i jumped for her!
4. How long have you been owner of a BJD?
Two years ago.
5. When you had your first doll?
In 2011.
6. What was your first doll? Do you still keep?
Well, my first doll was Aya (Lotus-2 - Dollzone), but as fate want that while i was waiting for her, i was buy another that being on stock arrives before. He was Kira (Leo - Dollzone). And yes, i keep them both.
7. Do you regret when you think about the first doll you bought?
No, and i think i will never regret.
8. How many dolls you have?
For the moment i have 24 BJD.
9. Names and types.
My BJD files
10. What do you most enjoy doing with your BJD?
I love change them clothes and take them pictures.
11. What creative aspects has awakened this hobbie in you (sewing, photography...)?
Well, the truth is i already loved to sew and take pictures before, but since i have this dolls i like more! And another thing i discovered and i like, is make-up them. Since i was make-up my first doll untill now i´ve learned enough things and tricks that made me improve a lot and i see the difference.
12. Do you carry with your dolls when you go for home?
Obviously not. I have other things to do, for exemple, take care of my 15 months son. Also i don´t see the need to carry them with you in home...
13. Have you ever broken /damaged a BJD? (for accidente, i hope.)
The truth is not and i hope that never happens...
14. Would you like to have all models of your favourite brand?
No. First because they are too much dolls and second because i only want to have dolls that i really likes and tell me: "buy me!".
15. Do you have or you would have a room for your dolls and their things at your home?
Yes, if i could. In fact i have a room where i keep all my doll´s things, apart from other things mine. But if i could i will leave all for them and there i´ll put their showcase.
16. Where do you keep your dolls? And their things?
I keep them inside my closet. I keep their things in a plastic boxes of diferents colors (4 specifically). I have a box for every size: one for SD, one for MSD, one for Yo-sd and other smaller sizes and one for wigs and eyes.
17. First you create a character and then buy the doll or the contrary and why?
The truth is that all the dolls i have i bought first and then i created the story. Although one doll that i have in Layaway  i already have his story created before i have him (but his story is of a Manga character).
18. Do you reflex in any of your dolls? If so, in which and why?
I have not created any character in any of my dolls where i reflect. It´s an idea that was going to do but i don´t know if finally do or not.
19. Do you write the stories of your dolls? Do you publish somewhere or is just for you?
All my dolls have already written their story and yes, i publish in my blog: Hoshizora
20. Do you draw your characters?
For the moment i´ve drawn but with websites where you could draw with a profiles you have to choosing hair color, hairstyle, shape of eyes, face... But i have the idea to draw them myself someday.
21. Have you did some story with another person of this hobby?
22. In favor or against limited?
Neither one nor the other. I think limited dolls are good to have a doll that only have certain people because there are limited dolls that are not very common. But what i dislike is how expensive they are and how little time they give to get it (in some brands).
23. Do you introduce someone in this hobby?
Yes, my sister Chandrama!
24. Do you put a maximun limit of dolls at year?
No. I´m going to buy the dolls i want because i don´t want  to lose them but i will not buy to buy, and then repent. If i can buy all dolls i want in a year, i will buy and so i only worry to buy clothes and other accesories. But if i can´t, i´ll buy them little by little.
25. Will you go to an international BJD  meeting that are not in your country?
If given the chance i was in that country the day of the meeting yes, but not expressly.
26. Do you have used some of your pictures to make a poster, frame?
No, although it would be a very good idea!!!
27. Do you follow the trail of the dolls you sold?
No, for what? Wherever they are, i´m sure they are happy.
28. Have you ever thought about leave the hobby?
The truth is no.
29. How did you live the arrival of your first doll?
Was very exciting!!! I was waiting for a doll that i ordered to Dollzone, and while waiting i saw there was a Leo in stock so i bought it and he arrived in a few days! I saw him very little and delicate. When Aya arrived, after a long wait, i saw her so big, so beautiful and with a very nice body! For me she´s perfect!
30. Do you still live the arrivals in the same way?
It´s not the same because now i know how are this type of dolls, but i still wait for they with the same impatience and ilusion.
31. If they have a story, are you another character of this story or you don´t appear/meddle in this?
The truth is that i don´t appear in their stories.
32. Which one is your oldest character?
Aya, thought  she´s a character from a Manga already created by her author, Yuu Watase. Of the characters that i created, the most oldest is Kira, because i already knew about his personality since i saw him.
33. Would you give away or you has ever given a doll?
No because i have no money, but my sister Chandrama given to me more than one doll...
34. Do you play with your dolls or do you want to play with them sometime?
I see them more as a collectible dolls. I dedicate time to them for change their clothes, combed their wigs, clean... but not play.
35. How do you like the molds: realistics, unrealistics, fantasy...?
I like various styles: realistics, fantasy and with Manga style (they have those little faces with big eyes like in Manga and Anime!).
36. Have you ever had bad experiences with other people?
Yes, i had some problems with a girls that bitter to me too much. But luckily, i managed to forget them and return to enjoy the hobby again, but unfortunately they won... Previously i had a little something unimportant or misunderstandings with other people, but only two times.
37. Of all the dolls you have, which one is your favourite? Why?
Aya is my pamper girl!!! I love Kira because he was the first (although in reality would be Aya). Why? Well, because she was the first that i can ordered with my own money, and made me really happy. But i love a lot to all!
38. Do you scared to take them out of your home because maybe something bad happen?
The truth is i don´t like take them out of my home, specially the big sizse. They are too expensive and valuable to something bad happen needlessly.
39. Would you buy a head or body made by an amateur (not a professional brand)?
Depends of the price and quality that i see in pictures. There is a mold of a head, "Patatita", that made a girl that i like very much, specially to make it the character of a boy. There is also another mold made by another amateur that i love and if i can i buy in future.
40. What do you think about the people of this hobby?
I have met great people and not great people. But i´m happy because the most are good people (removing two or three people). But hey, this is the same in all the hobbies...
41. Have you stablished friendship with someone of the forum?
I talked and exchanged messages with some girls, but friendship not for the moment. I hope make some friendship in future.
42. Have you experienced of pioneering way with your BJD? (Try fixative, thinner, etc)
Everything i´ve try with them was because already other people try with their dolls and they had given the approval to these materials.
43. What is the size you like most?
I like all sizes. I think Yo-sd and MSD are more easier to handle and easy to dress and everything. The 60cm SD and larger sizes, i think they are looking better and because they are larger usually looking more realistic and adult appearance. Tiny are very cute, though smaller than 16cm are difficult to dress and making pose. I choose the Yo-sd size as my favourite.
44. Do you buy second hand or do you prefer dolls directly from shops?
At first i bought all new from the stores, but since then i bought more than one in second hand. The reasons: were limited, second hand was more cheaper, were in perfect conditions... Although i prefer new dolls.
45. Of all the colors of resin, what is your favourite/with one you feel better?
For surely i choose "Normal Skin/Pink Skin". Then, "White skin/Cream White".
46. Do you dare to paint your own dolls?
Yes, in fact i made the majority of my makeup´s dolls, and i prefer because that way i customize as i like.
47. Have you completed all the fields of this hobbie with your BJD?
Not all, but i have makeup them, makeup remove, clean, string and some other things that i must be forgetting.
48. Would you like to be recognized in the hobby or have a fan club of your dolls?
Honestly no, because i´m a pretty timid for these things. With having this blog i am satisfied and i´m very happy with it.
49. Someone tried to steal you any of your dolls?
Luckily never happened and i hope it never happens to me...
50. What do you think will change in the future of the hobby?
I don´t know, really, just i hope that this hobby will be more known, lower the prices a little bit and people see this hobby as a normal hobby and don´t call "crazy" to us.

sábado, 10 de enero de 2015

Mis propósitos para el 2015!!!

Hola a todos/as!
En esta entrada os voy a comentar mis propósitos para este año nuevo 2015, en lo que se refiere a BJD, a este blog y al blog de mi tienda "Sweet~Angel~Kawaii". Espero que a final de año, haya logrado cumplir, aunque sea, la mitad de mis propósitos... En fin, os dejo con ellos!
Por cierto, "Feliz Año Nuevo 2015!!!" ^^


Hello everyone!
In this post i will tell you my resolutions for the new year 2015, as regards BJD, this blog and the blog of my store "Sweet~Angel~Kawaii". I hope that at the end of the year, has achieved compliance, even half of my purpose... Anyway i leave with them!
By the way, "Happy New Year 2015!!!" ^^

Maquillar y remaquillar mis BJD. Todavia tengo muñecas que están sin maquillar desde que me llegaron y otras a las que tengo que desmaquillar y volver a maquillar. Tengo esto pendiente desde hace ya demasiado tiempo...
(Make up and make new makeups to my BJD. I still have dolls that are not makeup since they arrives home and others that i have to remove his old makeup and made new again. I have this pending for too long...)

Conseguir a todos mis BJD pelucas y ojos definitivos y ponerles gorritos de silicona. Aunque la mayoria tienen ojos y pelucas, quiero comprarles sus definitivos y así no preocuparme más de esto. Por suerte, algunos ya las tienen. En cuanto a los gorritos de silicona, la mayoria ya los llevan!!!
(Get definitive wigs and eyes for all my BJD and put silicon caps. Although most have eyes and wigs, i want to buy their definitives and so no worry over this. Luckily, some already have them. As for the silicon caps, most already wearing them!!!)

Traducir al inglés todas las entradas de mi blog de muñecas y el de mi tienda "Sweet~Angel~Kawaii".
(Translate into english all the posts of my dolls blog and of my shop´s blog "Sweet~Angel~Kawaii".)

Subir todas las llegadas que tengo pendientes de mis BJD, MH y Dal.
(Upload all the arrivals that i have hanging of my BJD, MH and Dal.)

Cambiar las fotos de las fichas de mis BJD, cosa que iré haciendo cuando los vaya maquillando a todos. También tengo que terminar las fichas de mis nuevos BJD.
(Change the photos of my BJD´s profiles, which i will do when makeup all. I also have to finish the profiles of my new BJD.)

Subir a la galería algunas entradas que todavía tengo pendientes y subir nuevas que tengo pensadas. Llevo un tiempo que no tengo mucha imaginación para hacer sesiones de fotos ni ganas de hacerlas... A ver si este año cambia la cosa un poco aunque sea...
(Upload to galery some posts that i already have pending and upload new posts that i have thought to do. For a while i don´t have much imagination to do photo shoots or inclination to make it... Let´s see if this year things changed even a bit...)

Hacer, e intentar terminar, alguno de los juegos como "100 BJD", "El armario" y "40 preguntas"... Me gustaría empezar más juegos de este tipo, pero hasta que no avance con estos, nada...
(Do, and try to finish, some games as "100 BJD", "The closet" and "40 questions"... I would like start some more games like this, but untill progress with these, nothing...)

Escribir entradas para la sección "Varios" de mi blog para contar y explicar más cosas de las que me gustan, como el Lolita, los vídeo-juegos, Mangas, Animes y demás.
(Write entries for the "Miscellaneous" section of my blog to tell and explain more things that i like, like Lolita, video-games, Manga, Anime and others.)

Hacer fotos de las cosas que hemos hecho nuevas y subir todas las novedades a mi blog-tienda "Sweet~Angel~Kawaii". Hemos hecho muchos vestidos, gorros, complementos y demás, pero no encontramos tiempo para subirlas...
(Take pictures of the things we made new and upload all the news to my blog-shop "Sweet~Angel~Kawaii". We have made many dresses, hats, accessories and more, but we don´t have time to upload...)

Cambiar las fotos antiguas del blog "Sweet~Angel~Kawaii" y ponerlas nuevas y más claras y bonitas.
(Change the old photos of my blog "Sweet~Angel~Kawaii" and put new and more clear and beautiful.)

A parte de todos estos propósitos, también tengo otros personales que me gustaria intentar cumplir también, entre ellos uno que llevo años intentando cumplirlo que es terminar lo que estoy haciendo antes de empezar a hacer otra cosa. Tengo montones de cosas empezadas y tardo siglos en terminarlas...
(Apart from all these purposes, also i have other personal that i would like to try to cumply too, including one that spent years trying to get and is finish what i´m doing before start to do something new. I have lots of things started and it takes centuries to finish them...)

Al final de año os contaré si he conseguido cumplir algo. Nos vemos entonces!!!
(At the end of the year i´ll tell if i get to accomplish something. We´ll see then!!!)

Gracias por ver, leer y comentar!!!
(Thanks for view, read and comment!!!)